Getting Started

The source code of DarkProp is released under the MIT license and hosted on

If you use DarkProp in your publications, please cite our paper [1]:

    author = "Xia, Chen and Xu, Yan-Hao and Zhou, Yu-Feng",
    title = "{Production and attenuation of cosmic-ray boosted dark matter}",
    eprint = "2111.05559",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-ph",
    doi = "10.1088/1475-7516/2022/02/028",
    journal = "JCAP",
    volume = "02",
    number = "02",
    pages = "028",
    year = "2022"

For bug reports, please contact Chen Xia (


DarkProp provides an executable application darkprop based on the darkprop C++ library. The darkprop application reads a TOML configuration file as input and stores outputs in HDF5 format. The numerical calculations require GSL library, and the simulation is parallelized using MPI. The spdlog library is used for logging.

Above mentioned dependencies and the build tools (cmake>=3.20, g++/clang with C++17 support) are required to build the application. They are available in the repositories of mainstream Linux distributions and from homebrew for macOS, for example

  • Ubuntu 22.04+

      $ sudo apt install g++ cmake libgsl-dev libhdf5-mpi-dev libspdlog-dev
  • Fedora 33+

      $ sudo dnf install g++ cmake mpich-autoload gsl-devel hdf5-mpich-devel spdlog-devel
      $ source /etc/profile
  • macOS (arm64)

      $ brew install cmake gsl hdf5-mpi spdlog

The source code of the yuc::config tool for parsing TOML configurations and the indicators library for showing progress bar have been included in the source.

After installing the dependencies, darkprop can be build with cmake as follows.

Get into the source

$ tar -xzvf darkprop-vX.Y.Z.tar.gz
$ cd darkprop-vX.Y.Z
$ mkdir build; cd build


$ cmake ..

Build and install

$ cmake --build . --target install

The default location of installation may require root privilege, in which case the last step should be run with sudo. Custom location can be specified by setting -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX at the configuration step, e.g.

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/a/location ..

In this case, you may need to add the /path/to/a/location/bin path to the PATH environment variable to make the darkprop command available.


The darkprop application can be launched as follows,

$ darkprop config.toml

or in parallel

$ mpiexec -n 4 darkprop config.toml

where 4 is the number of CPU cores for parallel simulation. It can be replaced with any other number that fits your machine. config.toml is the configuration file. A complete example can be found in the app directory, and description of the parameters are detailed in Input and Output section.

The crossing events at underground surfaces will be stored in a directory specified in the config.toml file. The reconstruction of the underground DM flux is described in the paper [1] and is currently implemented separately with Python. See the Example section below.


Here we give an example of the attenuation of isotropic CRDM flux. This example can be found in the examples/crdm-isotropic directory of the source code.

First, cd into the directory and run the simulation

$ mpiexec -n N darkprop config_crdm.toml

The content of the configuration file config_crdm.toml is shown below

Listing 1 DarkProp configuration file for CRDM simulation
id = "crdm"

dm_model = "SIHelm"
medium_model = "HomoEarth"
type = "flux"
mchi_file = "./mchi.txt"
sigma_file = "./sigma.txt"
flux_file = "./surface_flux.txt"

outdir = "./out"
maximal_simulation = 100_000_000
sample_size = 10_000_000
depth = [1.4]  # [km]
chunk_size = 10000  # hdf5 chunk size
full_tracks = 0
screen_log_lag = 10000

random_seed = 1
interp_Tmin = 1e-20
interp_num = 10000

After waiting about 20 core hours, \(10^7\) samples will be collected for each cross section.

Then the underground flux can be reconstructed using the Python script

$ python3

which requires Python packages, numpy, scipy, h5py, and matplotlib. The figure crdm-flux.png as shown in Fig. 1 will be generated, which corresponds to Fig. 5 in the paper [1].

CRDM fluxes

Fig. 1 (crdm-flux.png) CRDM fluxes at the surface and 1.4 km underground.

Other Usages

For custom simulation or to implement new models, you can use the darkprop C++ library or the darkprop python package directly.

Building the documentation

To build this documentation locally, including HTML and PDF formats, one can set the -DBUILD_DOCS=ON flag at cmake configuration. The documentation is generated using Sphinx, doxygen, breathe, and other extensions. One way to install these dependencies is by creating a conda environment with the docs/environment.yml file from the source,

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the environment before cmake --build

$ conda activate darkpropdoc


In the build directory where the cmake command was executed, type

$ cmake --build . --target uninstall
