Input and Output
A complete example of the configuration file is shown below, which can be found in the app directory of the source code.
id = "example"
type = "halo" # "halo" "flux" "intensity" "sample" "source"
dm_model = "SI" # "SI" "SIHelm" "SolarDM" "DMElectron"
medium_model = "HomoEarth" # "HomoEarth" "HomoElectronEarth" "PREM" "Sun"
mchis = [0.1] # [GeV]
sigmas = [1e-34] # [cm^2]
# mchi_file = "./input_mchi.txt"
# sigma_file = "./input_sigma.txt"
mmed = 1e2 # mediator mass [GeV]
mediator_limit = "" # "heavy" "light" or ""
# Tcut = 1e-5 # cutoff energy [GeV]
rho_0 = 0.3 # [GeV/cm^3]
v_esc = 544.0 # [km/s]
v_0 = 220.0 # [km/s]
v_earth = [0.0, 0.0, 240.0] # [km/s]
v_min = 1e-5 # [km/s]
v_max = -1.0 # [km/s] negative value means v_earth + v_esc
v_cut = 1e-5 # [km/s] cutoff speed overwrite Tcut
point_source = false
flux_file = "./input_flux.txt" # arbitariry name
# Tmin = 1e-3 # [GeV]
# Tmax = 1e2 # [GeV]
intensity_file = "./input_intensity.hdf5" # intensity hdf5 file name
select_mass = [0, 1, 3] # select masses in the intensity file with index
sample_file = "./input_sample.hdf5" # arbitariry name
inv_cdf_r_file = ""
inv_cdf_T_file = ""
solar_density_integral_file = ""
temperature_scale = 1.0
tune = "GDM23_00a_01_000"
xsec_file = "xsec_DMHAD.xml"
cache_file = ""
event_generator_list = "DMHAD-NOFSI" # "DMCEL" "DMEL-NOFSI", "DMDIS-NOFSI", "DMRES-NOFSI"
messenger_thresholds = "Messenger_whisper.xml"
origin_gz = 1.0 # the original gz used to calculate the xsec_file
xsec_spline_knots = 1000
outdir = "./out"
overwrite = false
file_name_style = "short" # "short" "long"
maximal_simulation = 10_000_000
sample_size = 10000 # number of samples on each ring
depth = [1.4] # [km]
rings = 10 # number of rings
cos_theta_lower = -1.0 # lower bound of ring angle
cos_theta_upper = 1.0 # upper bound of ring angle
ring_space = "linear" # "linear" "cos_linear"
axis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # axis of the ring it is always v_earth in halo model
chunk_size = 1000 # hdf5 chunk size
store_time = false
full_tracks = 10 # the number of full tracks to output, do not output if 0
screen_log_lag = 1000 # screen log output interval
warning_long_track = 1000_000
random_seed = 1
interp_Tmin = 1e-100
interp_num = 10000
sample_buffer_size = 10000
This is a TOML format configuration file consisting of parameter-value pairs.
Some parameters can be missing and the default values will be used. The parameters are
grouped into three main sections (tables) input
, output
, and numerical
are written in square brackets on a line by themselves. A section may have subsections
defined as the [section.subsection]
form. Comments are started with a #
Using the configuration file above, DarkProp will simulate halo DM with mass
\(m_\chi = 0.1~\text{GeV}\) and cross section
\(\sigma_{\chi p} = 10^{-30}~\text{cm}^2\) in velocity range from 1 cm/s to 784 km/s
(in the Earth frame). The events of particles crossing a 1.4 km depth underground surface
will be stored in the file ./out/example/example_m0_s0.hdf5
The Galactic coordinate system is used in darkprop with the Galactic longitude \(l\) from \(0\) to \(2\pi\) and the Galactic latitude \(b\) from \(-\pi/2\) to \(\pi/2\). The transformation between Cartesian coordinates and Galactic coordinates is
The following is a detailed explanation of the input parameters and the output files.
Configuration parameters
In this section we use the section.subsection.parameter
notation for parameters. The
type of each parameter is marked after it and the unit of the dimensional parameters are
also indicated in square brackets behind. The default value, if defined, is written in
- id
parameter should be defined before any other sections. Its value will be the prefix of the output files.
- id
- input.type
The type of the initial conditions. Options:
- “halo”:
Halo DM simulation.
- “flux”:
Isotropic arbitrary incident flux in tabular form.
- “intensity”:
Anisotropic arbitrary incident flux in HDF5 format.
- “sample”:
Samples of initial conditions in HDF5 format.
- “source”:
Production of DM from internal of the medium.
- input.type
- input.dm_model
Choosing the DM model implemented in DarkProp. Options (case insensitive):
- “SI”:
Spin independent constant cross section (class SIDM).
- “SIHelm”:
Spin independent constant cross section with the Helm nuclear form factor (class SIHelmDM).
- “DMElectron”:
DM-electron vector coupling (class DMElectron).
- “SolarDM”:
The solar dark matter model (class SolarDM).
- input.dm_model
- input.medium_model
Choosing the medium model implemented in DarkProp. Options (case insensitive):
- “HomoEarth”:
A homogeneous Earth model composed of 8 components (class HomoEarth).
- “PREM”:
The Preliminary Reference Earth Model (class PREMEarth).
- “HomoElectronEarth”:
A homogeneous Earth model composed of electrons (class HomoElectronEarth).
- “Sun”:
A Sun model (class Sun).
- input.medium_model
- input.mchis
[GeV] List of DM particle masses.
- input.mchis
- input.sigmas
[\(\text{cm}^2\)] List of DM-nucleon scattering cross sections \(\sigma_{\chi p}\).
- input.sigmas
- input.mchi_file
Path of a text file containing a list of DM particle masses in GeV. Its effect is the same as the
parameter. If both parameters exist, it will overrideinput.mchis
.The file should contain only one column of numbers, or a single line of numbers separated by spaces.
- input.mchi_file
- input.sigma_file
Path of a text file containing a list of cross sections in \(\text{cm}^2\). Its effect is the same as the
parameter. If both parameters exist, it will overrideinput.sigmas
.This file should contain only one column of numbers, or a single line of numbers separated by spaces.
- input.sigma_file
- input.mmed
[GeV] (default 0.0) The mediator mass.
- input.mmed
- input.mediator_limit
(default “”) The limitation case of the mediator mass \(m_\phi\). Options:
- “light”:
\(m_\phi \to 0\).
- “heavy”:
\(m_\phi \to \infty\).
- “”:
An empty string means no limit is taken.
- input.mediator_limit
- input.Tcut
[GeV] The termination energy of the simulation. The simulation of the trajectory will stop when the kinetic energy of the particle is less than
, this parameter will be overwritten by theinput.halo.v_cut
parameter as \(T_\text{cut}= \frac{1}{2}m_\chi v_\text{cut}^2\).If
, this parameter can be absent, and \(T_\text{cut}\) will be the lowest energy of the input flux.
- input.Tcut
- [input.halo]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.halo.v_esc
[km/s] The escape speed of the standard halo model (SHM) velocity distribution.
- input.halo.v_esc
- input.halo.v_0
[km/s] The most probable speed of the SHM velocity distribution.
- input.halo.v_0
- input.halo.v_earth
[km/s] The 3-D velocity of the Earth. The direction will be used to determine the isodetection rings.
- input.halo.v_earth
- input.halo.v_min
[km/s] The lower bound of sampling velocity in the Earth frame.
- input.halo.v_min
- input.halo.v_max
[km/s] The upper bound of sampling velocity in the Earth frame. It will be \(v_\oplus + v_\text{esc}\) if a negative value is given.
- input.halo.v_max
- input.halo.v_cut
[km/s] The termination speed of the simulation. It overwrites the
- input.halo.v_cut
- [input.flux]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.flux.point_source
) Choosing if injecting from a point source. Options:
:DM particles come from the same direction.
:DM particles are injected isotropically.
- input.flux.point_source
- input.flux.flux_file
[\(\text{GeV}\), \(\text{GeV}^{-1}\text{cm}^{-2}\text{s}^{-1}\text{sr}^{-1}\)] The path to a file containing the incident fluxes.
The file should be a space separated CSV file with multiple columns. The first column (column 0) is the kinetic energy of the DM particle. The following columns are the corresponding DM fluxes of different masses and cross sections which are set by the
) andinput.sigmas
) parameters. These masses and cross sections constitute 2-dimensional grid points. The flux of the \(i\)-th mass and the \(j\)-th cross section is at the \((1 + j + i \times N_s)\)-th column, where \(N_s\) is the number of cross sections. The unit of energy is GeV and the unit of flux is \(\text{GeV}^{-1}\text{cm}^{-2}\text{s}^{-1}\text{sr}^{-1}\).
- input.flux.flux_file
- input.flux.Tmin
(default 0.0) The lower boundary of the sampling kinetic energy. If \(\leq 0\), it will be set to be the smallest energy in the flux_file.
- input.flux.Tmin
- input.flux.Tmax
(default 0.0) The upper boundary of the sampling kinetic energy. If \(\leq 0\), it will be set to be the largest energy in the flux_file.
- input.flux.Tmax
- [input.intensity]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.intensity.intensity_file
The path to a file containing anisotropic incident fluxes.
The file must be a HDF5 file with the following definitive structure:
file |--mchi {Nm} DM particle mass [GeV] |--sigma {SCALAR} DM-nucleon cross section [cm^2] |--m_0 Group the first DM particle mass | |--mchi {SCALAR} DM particle mass in this group [GeV] | |--b {Nb} Galactic latitude [rad] | |--l {Nl} Galactic longitude [rad] | |--T {NT} DM kinetic energy [GeV] | |--intensity {Nb, Nl, NT} DM intensity (flux) [GeV^-1 cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1] | |--m_1 Group |--m_2 Group | ... |--m_{Nm - 1} Group
darkprop will sample initial conditions based on the interpolation of the 3-dimensional intensity grid for each DM mass.
- input.intensity.intensity_file
- input.intensity.select_mass
(default []) An array of indices to select a subset of DM particle masses from the intensity_file for simulation. If empty, all masses are selected.
- input.intensity.select_mass
- [input.sample]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.sample.sample_file
The path to a file containing individual initial conditions.
The file must be a HDF5 file with the following definitive structure:
file |--mchi {Nm} DM particle mass [GeV] |--ran_E {NE} DM kinetic energy [GeV] |--ran_bl {NE, 2} latitude, longitude [rad] |--weight {Nm, NE} weights of the samples
- input.sample.sample_file
- [input.source]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.source.inv_cdf_r_file
The path to a file containing the inverse CDF of radius distribution of the source.
The file should be a space separated CSV file with two columns. The first column is the CDF ranges from 0 to 1. The second column is the radius r, in unit of cm.
- input.source.inv_cdf_r_file
- input.source.inv_cdf_T_file
The path to a file containing the inverse CDF of kinetic energy distribution of the source.
The file should be a space separated CSV file with two columns. The first column is the CDF ranges from 0 to 1. The second column is the kinetic energy T, in unit of MeV.
- input.source.inv_cdf_T_file
- [input.solardm]
The parameters in this subsection only take effect if
.- input.solardm.solar_density_integral_file
The path to a file containing the normalized density integral of the Sun.
The file should be a space separated CSV file with three columns. The first column is \(y\), the second column is \(x\), and the third column is \(z\). The definitions are given in the documentation of the Sun model.
The file should be grouped in blocks that separated by an empty line. In each block the numbers (\(y\)) in the first column are the same.
- input.solardm.solar_density_integral_file
- input.solardm.temperature_scale
(default 1.0) A scale factor multiplied to the solar temperature.
- input.solardm.temperature_scale
- outdir
The directory saving all outputs. The directory will be created if it does not exist.
- outdir
- overwrite
) Choosing whether to overwrite existing output files.
- overwrite
- file_name_style
(default “long”) Naming style of the output files. Options:
- “long”:
- “short”:
“{outdir}/{id}/{id}_m{mi}_s{si}.hdf5” where
are the index of mchis and sigmas.
- file_name_style
- maximal_simulation
(default 1000000000) The maximum number of simulated particles. Forcibly terminate the simulation even if the number of samples has not reached the requirement, and the rest will be
- maximal_simulation
- sample_size
The number of samples at each depth on each isodetection ring. The storage space will be allocated from the beginning based on this value, and filled with
- sample_size
- depth
[km] The list of depth to collect samples.
- depth
- rings
(default 1) Number of isodetection rings. Any number \(\leq 1\) will be set to 1.
- rings
- cos_theta_lower
(default -1.0) Lower boundary of the cosine of the ring angle \(\Theta\).
- cos_theta_lower
- cos_theta_upper
(default 1.0) Upper boundary of the cosine of the ring angle \(\Theta\).
- cos_theta_upper
- ring_space
(default “linear”) The method of separating the isodetection ring angle \(\Theta\). Options:
- “linear”:
\(\Theta\) is uniformly separated from 0 to \(2\pi\).
- “cos_linear”:
\(\cos\Theta\) is uniformly separated from 1 to -1.
- ring_space
- axis
(default [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) The axis of the isodetection ring. It takes no effect if
is “halo”, in which case the axis will always beinput.halo.v_earth
- axis
- chunk_size
(default 10000) The chunk size for HDF5 output.
- chunk_size
- store_time
) Whether to store the time of the events.
- store_time
- full_tracks
(default 0) Number of full trajectories additionally stored in the
- full_tracks
- [output.log]
- screen_log_lag
(default 10000) Control the frequency of screen log output.
- screen_log_lag
- warning_long_track
(default 1000000) A warning will be printed once a trajectory is longer than this value.
- warning_long_track
The parameters in this section control some details of the numerical calculation, generally using the default values.
- random_seed
(default -1) The seed of the random number generator.
If the seed \(\geq 0\), the result will be reproducible.
- random_seed
- interp_Tmin
[GeV] (default 1e-100) Lower boundary of the interpolation for SIHelmDM.
- interp_Tmin
- interp_num
(default 100000) Interpolation grid points for SIHelmDM.
- interp_num
- sample_buffer_size
(default 10000) The buffer size used when
- sample_buffer_size
Output file format
Crossing Events
The crossing events will be stored in HDF5 files with file names specified in the
parameter. The HDF5 files contain datasets (scalar or 1D array or 2D
array) arranged in groups like directories in a file system. The data file is organized as
|--mchi {SCALAR} DM particle mass
|--sigma {SCALAR} DM-nucleon cross section
|--R0 {SCALAR} surface radius
|--Tcut {SCALAR} termination kinetic energy of the simulation
|--Tmin {SCALAR} minimal incident energy
|--Tmax {SCALAR} maximal incident energy
|--V0 {SCALAR} (halo DM) most probable velocity
|--Vesc {SCALAR} (halo DM) escape velocity
|--Vcut {SCALAR} (halo DM) termination velocity of the simulation
|--Vmin {SCALAR} (halo DM) minimal incident veloctiy
|--Vmax {SCALAR} (halo DM) maximal incident velocity
|--Vearth {3} (halo DM) Earth's velocity
|--depth {Ndepth} array of the depth
|--depth_0 Group the first depth
| |--R {SCALAR} radius of the surface at this depth
| |--depth {SCALAR} the detph
| |--ring_bins {Nrings} array of the bins of the isodetection ring
| |--ring_0 Group the first ring
| | |--Nsample {SCALAR} number of samples
| | |--Nsim {SCALAR} number of simulated particles
| | |--weight {output.sample_size/Inf} array of weights from IS
| | |--T {output.sample_size/Inf} array of kinetic energies
| | |--p {output.sample_size/Inf, 2} array of momentum directions (b, l)
| | |--r {output.sample_size/Inf, 2} array of position directions (b, l)
| | |--t {output.sample_size/Inf} array of times
| |
| |--ring_1 Group
| |--ring_2 Group
| | ...
| |--ring_{Nrings - 1} Group
|--depth_1 Group
|--depth_2 Group
| ...
|--depth_{Ndepth - 1} Group
<= 1, there will not be aring_0
group but all the datasets will be in thedepth_i
group directly.Nsample
should be equal to the number of non-NaN data in the datasets, otherwise there is a bug or the data is corrupted.Units are stored with each dataset as an attribute.
Full Trajectories
Currently, the full trajectories are stored in plain CSV (space separated) files. The quantities in each column are \(r_x, r_y, r_z, p_x, p_y, p_z, T\), and \(t\) respectively. The units are in km, GeV, and second.