darkprop C++ Library

The core of DarkProp is a header only template library which can be used by including the header files. The advantage of using the library directly is that you can flexibly customize the simulation and extend the physical models through inheritance.

The template parameters are Vector and Value. The internal Vector type darkprop::Vector3d and the Value type double will be used by default. Alternatively, Eigen::Vector3d in the Eigen 3 library has also been tested.


Since DarkProp uses the natural unit system with \(\text{GeV}\equiv 1\), the Value type cannot be float. In general use double. long double is also supported, but it is generally only used in test situations with precision requirements due to the lower efficiency.


The DarkProp library should be available after the cmake installation. To use the library simply include the needed headers in your source code like this

#include <darkprop/core.hpp>
#include <darkprop/IO.hpp>  // optional hdf5 io

Below is an working example.


Listing 3 examples/trajectory-csv/trajectory.cpp
 2 * Simulate 50 trajectories.
 3 */
 5#include <iostream>
 6#include <string>
 7#include <fstream>
 8#include <filesystem>
 9#include "darkprop/core.hpp"
11int main(void)
13    using namespace darkprop::constants;  // using rEarth
14    using namespace darkprop::units;      // using cm, GeV, sec
16    double sigma = 1e-32 * cm * cm;  // cross section
17    double mchi = 10 * GeV;          // DM mass
18    double t = 0.0;                  // initial time
20    double vcut = 1.0 * cm / sec;               // cutoff velocity
21    double Tcut = 0.5 * mchi * vcut * vcut;     // cutoff kinetic energy
23    // initial position (constants::rEarth is defined in Const.hpp)
24    darkprop::Vector3d init_r(0.0, 0.0, rEarth);
26    // initial velocity
27    double vi = 220.0 * km / sec;
28    darkprop::Vector3d init_v(0.0, 0.0, -vi);
30    // instantiating the DM particle and the Earth
31    darkprop::SIDM dm(sigma, mchi, t);
32    darkprop::HomoEarth earth;
34    // need a random number generator
35    darkprop::RandomNumber rn;
37    std::filesystem::create_directory("out");
39    // simulate 50 tracks
40    std::size_t number_of_tracks = 50;
41    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_tracks; ++i) {
42        dm.t = 0.0;           // time is not used in this case
43        dm.setR(init_r);      // reset position
44        dm.setV(init_v);      // reset velocity
45        dm.in_medium = true;  // reset the flag
47        // simulate full trajectory
48        auto events = simulate_track(dm, earth, Tcut, rn);
50        // output: only store the position of all events in csv files
51        std::string filename = "out/trajectory-";
52        filename = filename + std::to_string(i) + ".csv";
53        std::ofstream off(filename);
54        off << std::scientific;
55        off.precision(16);
56        for (const auto& event : events) {
57            off << event.r[0] << " "
58                << event.r[1] << " "
59                << event.r[2] << std::endl;
60        }
61    }
62    return 0;

Simulation Outline

The input of a simulation is the initial state of the incident particle (initial position, momentum, kinetic energy, and time, etc.). They can be set using the basic interface defined in the Particle base class. The Initialization.hpp file provides some functions to produce DM with specific distributions. The Injector.hpp file provides some Injectors for typical particle injection scenarios.

The output of DarkProp’s built-in simulation functions is a std::vector of Event (std::vector<Event>). Users can freely write their functions to store or analyze these data. DarkProp provides tool functions in IO.hpp for storing data in HDF5 format. The HDF5 format is suitable for storing large data sets in scientific computing and widely supported by various programming languages.

To perform a simulation, first create an Medium instance and a Particle instance (their concrete subclasses), then set the initial state of the Particle, and then call propagate and scatter functions in a loop, or use the implemented simulation functions.

DarkProp is designed to change the state of the particle in place, instead of storing the entire trajectory in memory. Therefore, necessary analysis needs to be written in the simulation function (e.g. to find out the events passing through a sphere) and the output is also determined by the user.

Class Inheritance

_images/inherit_graph_medium.png _images/inherit_graph_particle.png _images/inherit_graph_injector.png